A Q&A with Olio CEO Ben Forrest

Meet Olio, Fulcrum’s latest portfolio company dedicated to improving patient outcomes as they transition to post-acute care.
Fulcrum has recently invested in Olio, a post-acute engagement platform for health systems to connect with and improve care in the post-acute ecosystem. Their recent fundraise will help them as they scale nationally and continue to drive down the cost of care for patients. Learn more about Olio’s value proposition and their future growth in our exclusive interview, below.
What is Olio’s mission?
Olio’s mission is pretty simple. We want to be the glue between health systems and post-acute care. We offer teamwork and collaboration to hospitals and provider networks as patients transfer into skilled nursing, home health, and hospice. By increasing both the quality and frequency of their care coordination, we lower costs and dramatically improve patient outcomes.
What sets your platform apart from your competitors?
No more emails, phone calls, or fax machines. We put modern and purposefully built software in the hands of post-acute providers, modernizing data collection and collaboration. From analytics and our proprietary engagement scoring to real-time collaboration with the entire ecosystem, Olio is singular in today’s market. All at no cost to our post-acute care partners.
What’s the biggest challenge your team is working on?
Right now, we are focused on scaling Olio post-investment round. For us, that means effectively hiring and training the right talent to the right processes. It also means listening to our users and continuing to capitalize on opportunities to help them. We are growing all teams but have a particular focus on sales and marketing.
What is your team’s proudest accomplishment?
Our proudest accomplishment is twofold. First, we are incredibly proud to have never lost a client in the strategically budgeted post-pandemic era, a testament to our product’s value. Second, Olio is truly and significantly improving patient outcomes. This has helped us to build a strong culture and give folks a sense of purpose.
What were you looking for in a funding partner?
We kept listening to our users as we came out of the pandemic. The freeze of healthcare was starting to thaw, and we knew it was time to step on the gas. Our users were vocal about their appreciation of Olio, and we needed to scale our infrastructure to support them. Because of this, we knew that we wanted a venture partner that was going to be an extension of our team, not just give us capital. They needed to deeply understand what we are doing and what our business is. They had to get in and row the boat with us.
Why did you choose Fulcrum?
We chose Fulcrum after the maturation of a few relationships. Early on Pete and I had a dialogue that was very compelling. We also met Tom Greer in his world, and he understood who we are and the problem we were solving. It was clear that his experience as the founder of Regency Healthcare would be pivotal to our success. Then we met Philip and Ali, and our relationship took off. Finally, we had a conversation with DriverReach’s Jeremy Reymer, a fellow Indianapolis CEO, who highly recommended Fulcrum to us.
What’s next for Olio?
I’m so excited for our future. We are interviewing new talent and growing into our amazing product market fit. We’re focused on recruiting the best of the best into our business and then letting good minds go to work.
To learn more about Olio, click here.