Patrick Rowland
Why Fulcrum?
Fulcrum is run by ex-operators and has had entrepreneurial DNA since its founding. For me, that represents an incredibly unique chance to not only fund great management teams tackling big problems across healthcare and technology, but also to do so with a greater shared perspective with our entrepreneurs.
Outside Fulcrum
I keep an active role in supporting Atlanta’s growing technology and healthcare ecosystems, and I am involved with the Technology Association of Georgia, the Technology Executives Roundtable, and Atlanta’s Southeast Investor Group. I’m also a proud Vandy alum and support the Atlanta chapter of the Vanderbilt Alumni Association. In addition, I am a self-taught guitarist and drummer and have listened to all types of classic rock since I was little. As a Houston native, I pull hard for its professional sports teams, especially the Astros. When not in the office, I enjoy traveling, playing golf, cooking, and spending time with my wife and dog.